Frequently Asked Questions

Gifts from Your Will/Trust

  • What happens if I die without a valid will?
  • When do I need to change my will?
  • Do I need an attorney to write a will?
  • What is the role of an executor or personal representative?
  • What is the Probate Court?
  • What are my non-probate assets?
  • What is a codicil?

Giving from Your Retirement Plan

  • How do I arrange a gift from my retirement plan?
  • What are the tax implications of a gift of retirement-plan assets?

Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets

  • How do I arrange for a gift of my stock?
  • What are the tax advantages of a gift of stock?
  • Will you sell the shares I give you?
  • Can I give closely held stock that I own?

Gifts of Life Insurance

  • How do I arrange a gift from my life insurance?
  • What are the tax implications of a gift of life insurance?

Gifts of Real Estate

  • How do I know if the property I’d like to donate is going to be helpful to Hotchkiss?
  • What are the tax benefits of donating real estate?
  • Can I arrange for a life-income stream for my gift of real estate?

Gifts of Personal Property

  • What are the tax benefits of donating personal property?
  • Can I arrange for a life-income stream for my gift of personal property?

Charitable Gift Annuity

  • How can I calculate my benefits?
  • How are the annuity payments guaranteed?
  • Is it better to give cash or appreciated securities for my gift annuity?
  • Can I include my children as income beneficiaries of my gift annuity?
  • What’s the difference between a commercial annuity and a charitable gift annuity?
  • Can I defer my annuity payments?

Deferred Gift Annuity

  • How can this gift enhance my retirement savings?
  • May I choose the start date for my annuity payments?
  • Is it better to use gifts of cash or stock for my deferred gift annuity?

Charitable Remainder Unitrusts

  • Who can serve as trustee of my unitrust?
  • How would the assets in my unitrust be invested?
  • Is it better to give cash or appreciated securities for my annuity trust?
  • How will income from my unitrust be taxed?
  • Can I give real estate or other property to a unitrust?
  • Can I include my children as income beneficiaries?
  • What are the tax-deduction implications of my charitable remainder unitrust?

Charitable Bargain Sale

  • What if the property has a mortgage or other lien on it?
  • Can I arrange for a gift annuity with the sale proceeds of the deal?
  • Why not sell my property and make a gift from the proceeds of the sale instead?
  • Can I choose the appraiser who determines market value of my property in the bargain sale?

Retained Life Estate

Charitable Lead Trusts

  • Will I be able to claim an income-tax deduction when I set up my charitable lead trust?
  • Can I name my grandchildren as beneficiaries of my charitable lead trust?
  • How long will my charitable lead trust last?
  • Can I establish a CLT for less than $1,000,000?
  • How does a charitable lead trust help The Hotchkiss School?


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